Paris Academy Body Art Show 2016

18 July 2016

Academy / News / Artistic Makeup / Paris Academy Body Art Show 2016


Discover 2016 final exam Body Art Show for students of the 10-month training at the Paris Academy.

June 25, 2016 – Paris, Petit Théâtre Saint Martin

Today is the last day and final exam of the 10-month training specialization “body art”.

While students work on their body painting, the Jury will be evaluating their portfolio. We often say it’s the most intense day of the year!

At 8am, Students & models arrive at the theater to start working on their body painting. They have 8 hours, even if they all prepare themselves for days, it's very stressful !

This year thematic was music. So first they chose a song then they created a body chart and then practice at the academy under teachers supervision.

Back to the theater, at 6PM our guests arrive to watch the show while students were doing their last retouches backstage.

Let's getting started... Check out our video !

More pictures on Facebook

A few days later, we got the Jury results and here are the 3 best bodypaintings:

  • Auriane Materne
  • Margaux Marseglia 
  • Siyu Wu


Tags: Makeup artist, makeup, body art, body painting, makeupforeveracademy
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